01225 465654

The School Day

School opening hours including Wraparound Care: 7:30am to 5:30pm.

Key Stage 1 sessions

Gates open 8:40am

Morning: 8.50am – 11.50am

Afternoon: 1pm – 3.20pm

Total time per week: 32 hours 30 minutes

Key Stage 2 sessions

Gates open 8:40am

Morning: 8.50am – 12pm

Afternoon: 12.55pm – 3.25pm

Total time per week: 32 hours 55 minutes


Children have a 15 minute break in the morning and afternoon. They always go outside for playtimes (weather permitting) and they get a longer break at lunchtime. Here are some additional notes about the start and the end of the school day. We hope they are useful!

  • The earliest arrival time is 8.40am. Adults stay with Infants until the bell is rung for them to go in which helps parents share with staff any important messages.

  • The bell at the start of the day is rung at 8.50am so that children can enter school and be ready to begin the day soon afterwards.

  • At the end of the day children in the Infants need to be collected at 3.20pm and children in the Juniors at 3.25pm, or at the end of their after school club. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, parents are going to be late to collect we ask they contact the school office as soon as possible where arrangements can be made to keep children in school and safe.


© Bathwick St Mary Church School (Primary) • Darlington Road, Bath, BA2 6NN • Tel: 01225 465654 • Email us • Fax: 01225 484289