Admissions arrangements
Bathwick St Mary Church School is an Academy Church School. The Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust is the Admissions Authority. The policy complies with The School Admissions Code, a statutory code which is designed to ensure a fair and straightforward admissions system that promotes equity and fair access for all.
The Published Admission Number (PAN) for the Reception Class and Years 1 and 2 is 30. The PAN for every other year group is 34. Every application is considered against the PAN for the year group concerned and following legislation and the Admissions Arrangements. If there are more applications than places available, applications are ranked against the oversubscription criteria as set out in the Admissions Arrangements.
The parishes of St. Mary the Virgin and St. John the Baptist together form the Bathwick parishes. You can use the resources below to check if you live within the Bathwick parishes:
Admission into the reception year group in September
Children are usually admitted into the reception class in the September following their fourth birthday. The Local Authority co-ordinate all applications for children starting school for the first time. Applications must be received by the Local Authority by 15th January for admission in the following September. Details of how to apply are available on the Bath and North East Somerset website. You will be notified by the local authority on the outcome of your application on 16 April. For information about deferring entry, please see the B&NES Admission information here: Deferring entry
Admission into other year groups
If you wish to apply for a place in an existing year group, you must complete the Bath and North East Somerset In-Year Application Form. You may also need to complete Supplementary Information Forms – please see our Admissions Policy for details. Completed application forms and Supplementary Information Forms, if appropriate, must be returned to the school office. Forms are also available from the school office and the Bath and North East Somerset website.
You will be notified on the outcome of your application by the school within 10 school days of receipt of your completed application form and Supplementary Information Forms, if appropriate. Places should normally be taken up within 6 school weeks of the offer being made or the place may be withdrawn.Right of appeal
If you are refused a school place, you have the right to appeal against the decision. The admissions appeals process for our school is administered by the Bath and North East Somerset Council’s Democratic Services section. This ensures that it is separate from and independent of the school and the education authority. Details concerning how to appeal are available from the Bath and North East Somerset Website and will be explained in your notification letter. You can find the appeal forms here, together with the Appeals Timetable:
Visiting our school
Prospective parents and children are very welcome to visit our school. Please phone the school office to make arrangements.
Admissions Documentation for 2024/2025
Admissions Documentation for 2025/2026
Useful Information
- 2022 School Admissions Code
- Bath and North East Somerset Admissions Information
- Bath and North East Somerset Fair Access Protocol
- Bath and North East Somerset School Transport Information