Our School Governors
The role of the school governors is to set strategic direction, to hold school leaders to account for improving performance – by acting as a critical friend – and to make sure money is well spent.
As an academy Church school, our governing body is made up of:- Foundation Governors: appointed by the school’s founding body – being the Bathwick Parochial Church Council
- Parent Governors: elected parents of children at the school
- Staff Governors: members of the school staff
- MAT Governors: nominated by Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust
- Ex-officio Governors: being the Headteacher and the Rector of the Bathwick Parishes
- Associate Governors: members of the local community (appointed by the rest of the governing body) to contribute specifically on issues related to their particular area of expertise
The full governing body meets approximately five times a year where the on-going business of committees, the governing body and the school are discussed, reported on and where decisions are taken by a majority vote.
Most of the work of the governors is done at committee level. Our governor committees are:- Fabric and finance
- Standards and curriculum
- Personnel
- Admissions
- Dr Marina de Vos: Chair of Local Governing Committee /Foundation Governor
- Richard Price: Vice-Chair of Local Governing Committee / Foundation Governor
- Kevin Purkiss: Head Teacher/Ex-officio Governor
- Father Peter Edwards: Foundation Governor
- Ellie McHugh: Staff Governor
- Paul McGuinness: Foundation Governor
- Elaine Morley: MAT Governor
- Sarah Nolan: Parent Governor
- Toby Simon: MAT Governor
- Mel Skeet: MAT Governor, Designated Safeguarding Governor
Chair of the LGC, CONFIDENTIAL, Bathwick St Mary Church School, Darlington Road, Bath BA2 6NN
Alternatively, please email office@bsm.bwmat.org marked CONFIDENTIAL for Chair of the LGC.All details of the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust can be found here